Friday, August 11, 2017

Are Mormons Christians?

Ask a a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) if Mormons are Christians? and they will answer “Absolutely. After all the name of Jesus Christ is in the name of our church.” Many Southern Baptists and other Christian denominations would say that Mormons are not Christians. Some would go so far as to call them a “cult” (a later post will discuss why this is an inaccurate and unfair description). So are they Christians or aren't they? Well, it depends on your definition of “Christian”. If by “Christian” you mean one who holds to the historic teachings of traditional Christianity (which may/may not include some or all of the historic creeds and church councils), then Mormons would fall outside that definition.
But if you define “Christian” as a committed disciple of Jesus Christ (which I would argue is a more Biblical definition of the word). Then the answer changes to “Some are and some aren't.” And honestly that should be the answer for any church-- “Some are and some aren't.” Being a member of an organization, even a church, doesn't make you a Christian, any more than working for McDonalds makes you a hamburger. A Christian is someone who has committed their life to Jesus Christ. And I know many Latter-day Saints (AKA Mormons/LDS) who have done just that. I'm one of them.
Evangelical scholars such as Craig Blomberg, Greg Johnson and Richard Muow, who have taken the time to really develop relationships with Latter-day Saints (LDS) affirm the LDS commitment to Jesus Christ. Richard Muow, President emeritus and professor of Faith and Public Life at Fuller Theological Seminary, wrote, “I do accept many of my Mormon friends as genuine followers of the Jesus whom I worship as the divine Savior.” (
This brings us to another important question/accusation that is often leveled at the Latter-day Saints: “Don't Mormons worship 'another Jesus'?” This description is taken from the words of Paul in 2 Corinthians 11:4, “For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.”
Didn't Gordon B. Hinckley, 15th president of the LDS church even admit that Mormons worshiped another Jesus in the following article? “...President Hinckley spoke of those outside the Church who say Latter-day Saints 'do not believe in the traditional Christ. No, I don't. The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak.'” (
What exactly did President Hinckley mean by those comments? I can't say for sure. But we should notice the adjective he used. He said the “traditional” Christ. He didn't say “Biblical” or “historical” Christ. I think President Hinckley was trying to say that he rejects the post-biblical traditions (including some of the creeds of historic Christianity) that developed around the person of Christ.
But that still brings us back to the main question—do Mormons worship a 'different' Jesus? Well let's look at some Biblical characteristics of Jesus that Mormons affirm.
They believe that Jesus:
was Pre-existant with the Father. Granted, their understanding of the pre-existance differs from historic Christianity. Perhaps we can explore these differences in a later post.
was Jehovah of the Old Testament.
was Born of a Virgin. (more on this later).
was both God and Man.
performed literal miracles.
was crucified and physically died upon the cross.
rose bodily from the grave.
appeared to his disciples and hundreds of witnesses after his resurrection.
ascended bodily into heaven.
will return bodily some day and reign over His Kingdom.
Sounds like they worship the historic, Biblical, Jesus to me; and not the other Christ that Paul was warning the Corinthians about.
So I would argue, that those Latter-day Saints who have committed their lives to be disciples of this historical, biblical Jesus, are indeed authentic Christians.
Are all Mormons Christians? No, only those who are committed disciples of Jesus Christ.
Are all Southern Baptists Christians? No, only those who are committed disciples of Jesus Christ.
A word about the Virgin Birth. It appears that there was a time when the LDS church had a radically different understanding of the virgin birth, than did historic Christianity. But that understanding does not appear to be taught by LDS leaders today. Consider these words by Dr. Robert Millet, LDS theologian and emeritus Dean of Religious Education at Brigham Young University.. “'Luke 1:35 and Alma 7:7...(are the) only two scriptural passages I know of that describe how Jesus was conceived. I am not aware of any official declaration or official proclamation; I am not aware of any General Conference address by the brethren today or for the last 50 years that goes beyond that.... Millet said. A member of the LDS Church came up to Millet after an interfaith meeting in California. She was not happy and accused him of lying. 'You told us that we believe in the virgin birth,' she said. He responded, 'I think we do.' 'No, no, you said we believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, and you know we don't.' 'Yes we do.' 'No, we do not believe in that.' 'I'm afraid we do.' 'No! From the time I was this high I was taught that God had sexual relations with Mary, and that is how Jesus was conceived.' 'I am fully aware that that was taught by some people. I'm even aware of when (the talk that mentioned) it was delivered, and by whom. There are people who taught it, but it is not the doctrine of the church. The doctrine of the church is what is contained in Alma 7 and what is contained in Luke 1.'”
Bottom line, there is only one historical, Biblical Jesus that can save. I met this Jesus when I was 14-years-old. And though I obviously cannot judge someone else's salvation. I can look at fruit. And I believe that there are many Latter-day Saints who have a relationship with the saving Christ? Do you have a relationship with Jesus? Have you ever committed to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? You can right now. Just pray to our Father in Heaven in Jesus name and tell Him that's what you want to do. Your life will change.

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